Paper 6 Microbiology and Plant pathology


Paper 6 Microbiology and Plant pathology

Unit 1


  1. Important landmarks in the history of microbiology archaebacteria and eubacteria: General account, ultrastructure, nutrition and reproduction, biology and economic importance, cyanobacteria- salient features and biological importance, 
  2. Viruses: Classification, characteristics and ul;tra structure of virus, isolation and purification of viruses, chemical nature, replication, transmission of viruses, cyanophages, economic importance.
  3. Phytoplasma: General characteristics and role in causing plant disease.

Unit 2

  1. Scope and application of microbes in agriculture, industry, food pollution and biological control of pests.
  2. General account of immunity, allergy, properties of antigens and antibodies, Antibody structure and function affinity and antibody specificity monoclonal antibodies and their uses and antibody engineering, serology types of vaccines, preliminary account biofilms, biochips, biosensor, and biosurfactants.

Unit 3

 Plant Pathology 


  1. History and scope of plant pathology: general account of diseases caused by plant pathogens, Pathogen attack and defense mechanism Physical, physiological, biochemical and molecular aspects.

Plant disease management: Chemical, biological. IPM systems, development of transgenics, biopesticides, plant disease clinics, Preliminary account of application of biotechnology in plant pathology.

Unit 4

Symptomology, identification and control of following plant diseases. 

Fungal diseases: Wheat (Rust, Smut, Bunt), Bajara (Green ear, ergot and smut) crucifer (rust).

Paddy (Paddy blast), Cotton (Wilt), Grapes (Downy mildew and powdery mildew)

Bacterial disease : Wheat (Tundu), Citrus canker.

Viral disease: Tobacco mosaic, Bhindi yellow mosaic.

Phytoplasma disease: Little leaf of brinjal.

Nematode disease: Root -knot of vegetables.

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