UNIT 1 The dynamic of cell structure, organization of the plant cellSPECIALIZED CELL TYPESBIOENERGETIC AND CHEMICAL FOUNDATIONChemical Foundation of CellCell wall introductionStructure of Cell wallOrigin of Cell wallGrowth of cell wallUltra structure of cell wallThickening of cell wallChemical Modification of Cell WallFormation of Cavities in cell wallGeneral Characters of Plasma membraneMolecular Model of Plasma membranePores in Plasma MembraneProperties of Plasma membraneCARRIERSCHANNELSPUMPS SITES FOR ATPaseRECEPTORSPLASMODESMATACOMPARISON WITH GAP JUNCTION UNIT 2 Chloroplast shape size number structureStructural organization of chloroplastQuantasome conceptISOLATION OF CHLOROPLAST COMPONENTSGENOME ORGANIZATIONREPLICATION AND PROTEIN SYNTHESISGRWOTH AND DIVISION OF CHLOROPLASTS OR PROPLASTIDERNA Editing Nucleo Chloroplastic InteractionMitochondria (Power house of cell)Ultrastructure of MitochondriaMitochondrial DNA GenomeMitochondrial Enzyme systemFunctions of MitochondriaBiogenesis of MitochondriaISOLATION OF MITOCHONDRIAL COMPONENTSGENOME ORGANIZATIONMitochondrial DNA replicationPlant VacuolesTONOPLAST MEMBRANEFUNCTIONS OF VACUOLESNUCLEUSSTRUCTURE OF NUCLEUSNucleolusCHROMOSOMESNUCLEOSOME ORGANIZATIONDNA STRUCTUREFORMS OF DNAREPLICATIONSTEPS OF DNA REPLICATIONDNA Damage and RepairTRANSCRIPTIONRNA ProcessingNuclear mRNA TransportEukaryotic transcription UNIT 3 Ribosome Structure rRNA and BiosynthesisTranslationProtein sortingCell shape and MotilityFlagellar Ultra structure UNIT 4 Cell Cycle and Apoptosis :control mechanismRole of Cyclins and CDKsRetinoblastoma and E2F Protein CytokinesisProgrammed cell deathStructure and function of microbodiesGolgi ApparatusLysosomesEndoplasmic ReticulumTechniques in cell biologyWestern BlottingFISH-Fluorescent in situ hybridizationGISHConfocal Microscopy Related posts: No related posts.