Mitochondria (Power house of cell)


Mitochondria (Power house of cell )

Mito – thread chondrion – granule

  • These are rod shaped structures,
  • function as power generators of cell as they convert nutrient and oxygen in to ATP
  • It is chemical energy which is essential to carry out the metabolic process of cell.


  • 1880 – Koliker – discover in Insects muscles cells and give name – Sarcosome 
  • 1882 – Flaming – Thread like structure
  • 1884 – Altman – Stain – Janus Green (Stain use in Lab), Alizarin +C.V. Give name – Bioplast.
  • 1898 – Benda – Give name – Mitochondria
  • 1904 – Discover in Plant (Nymphea) by – Meves
  • 1953 – Palade and Porter – Study Electron Microscope
  • 1963- Nass – Discover mtDNA

Presence and Distribution

  • It is present in all eukaryotic cells except RBC and Prokaryotic Cell
  • These are freely distributed in cytoplasm
  • These are found in large number in which cell where much more energy are required

Number – 

In Metabolically active cell – 1 Lakh or more / Cell

Size –

  • Generally it is – 0.5 μ wide and 1.5 – 10μ long 
  • Smallest – Yeast – 1mμ
  • It can also 40μ long

Shape – 

Cylindrical , Rod, Filamentous, Round  Granular, Clubshape, Vesicular.

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