Algae General Characteristics


Algae General Characteristics

Algae general characters

  • शैवाल या एल्गी (Algae) पादप जगत का सबसे सरल जलीय जीव है, जो प्रकाश संश्लेषण क्रिया द्वारा भोजन का निर्माण करता है।
  • शैवालों के अध्ययन को फाइकोलॉजी (Phycology) कहतेहैं।
  • शैवाल प्रायः हरित लवक युक्त (cholorophyllous), संवहन ऊतक रहित (Non vascular) स्वपोषी (Autotrophic) होतेहैं।
  • इनका शरीर शूकाय सदृश (Thalloid) होता है।ये ताजे जल, समुद्री जल, गर्म जल के झरनों, कीचड़ एवं नदी, तालाबों में पाए जाते हैं।
  • कुछ शैवालों में गति करने के लिए फ्लेजिला (Flagella) पाये जाते हैं। बर्फ पर पाये जाने वाले शैवाल को क्रिप्टोफाइट्स (Cryptophytes) तथा चट्टानो पर पाये जाने वाले शैवाल को लिथोफाइट्स (Lithophytes) कहतेहैं।

General Charecteristics of Algae

  • शैवाल की कोशिकाओं में सैल्यूलोज (Cellulose) की बनी कोशिका – भित्ति (Cell wall) पायी जाती है।
  • शैवाल में भोज्य पदार्थों का संचय मण्ड (starch) के रूप में रहता है।
  • इनको जननांग प्रायः एक कोशिकीय (Unicellular) होता है और निषेचन के बाद कोई भ्रूण नहीं बनाते।
  • ये अधिकांशतः जलीय (समुद्री तथा अलवण जलीय दोनों ही) होते हैं।
  • कुछ शैवाल नमी युक्त स्थानों पर भी पाए जाते हैं।
  • इनमें प्रकाश संश्लेषण के लिए प्रायः हरा वर्णक उपस्थित रहता है।
  • शैवालों में तीन प्रकार के वर्णक (Pigment) पाये जाते हैं-  हरा (Green), लाल (Red) एवं भूरा (Brown)। इन्हीं तीन वर्णकों के आधार पर शैवालों को तीन प्रमुख वर्गों में विभाजित किया गया है-

(i) क्लोरोफाइसी (Chlorophyceae)– हरा वर्णक

(ii) रोडोफाइसी (Rhodophyceae)- लाल वर्णक

(iii) फीयोफाइसी (Pheophyceae)- भूरा वर्णक

  • इनमें प्रजनन अलैंगिक एवं लैंगिक दोनों ही विधियों द्वारा होता है।


Who is known as the Father of Algaeology?
A) Linnaeus
B) M.O.P. Iyengar
C) F.E. Fritch
D) Ernst Haeckel
Answer: C) F.E. Fritch

Who is known as the Father of Indian Algaeology?
A) Linnaeus
B) M.O.P. Iyengar
C) F.E. Fritch
D) Ernst Haeckel
Answer: B) M.O.P. Iyengar

Which of the following is NOT another name for algae?
A) Fucus
B) Limu
C) Tsao
D) Moss
Answer: D) Moss

During which era did algae originate?
A) Cambrian Era
B) Mesozoic Era
C) Paleozoic Era
D) Cenozoic Era
Answer: A) Cambrian Era

Approximately how many species of algae are there?
A) 3,000
B) 30,000
C) 300,000
D) 3,000,000
Answer: B) 30,000

Who first used the word ‘algae’?
A) Linnaeus
B) Darwin
C) F.E. Fritch
D) M.O.P. Iyengar
Answer: A) Linnaeus

Which of the following is a special characteristic of algae?
A) They have roots, stems, and leaves.
B) They have a vascular system.
C) They have a thallus-like body.
D) They have highly differentiated mechanical tissues.
Answer: C) They have a thallus-like body.

Most algae are:
A) Terrestrial
B) Aquatic
C) Found in dry habitats
D) Parasitic
Answer: B) Aquatic

Why do algae lack a vascular system?
A) They have highly differentiated tissues.
B) They are mostly aquatic.
C) They have roots, stems, and leaves.
D) They have mechanical tissues.
Answer: B) They are mostly aquatic.

What is the primary component of the algae cell wall?
A) Lignin
B) Cellulose
C) Chitin
D) Keratin
Answer: B) Cellulose

In addition to green pigment, what else can be found in algae?
A) Only green pigment
B) Other pigments
C) No pigments
D) Only black pigment
Answer: B) Other pigments

Which types of stored food are found in algae?
A) Starch, Oil, Protein, Fat
B) Only Starch
C) Only Protein and Fat
D) Only Oil
Answer: A) Starch, Oil, Protein, Fat

What are the types of genitalia in algae?
A) Multicellular only
B) Unicellular or Multicellular
C) Unicellular only
D) Nonexistent
Answer: B) Unicellular or Multicellular

Which cells in algae are capable of producing gametes or sporangium?
A) Only apical cells
B) Only basal cells
C) All cells except apical and basal cells
D) No cells
Answer: C) All cells except apical and basal cells

Which methods of reproduction are found in algae?
A) Vegetative only
B) Asexual only
C) Sexual only
D) Vegetative, Asexual, and Sexual
Answer: D) Vegetative, Asexual, and Sexual

How do algae reproduce asexually?
A) By seeds
B) By movable and immobile spores
C) By flowers
D) By fruits
Answer: B) By movable and immobile spores

What forms of sexual reproduction are found in algae?
A) Isogamy, Anisogamy, Heterogamy
B) Only Isogamy
C) Only Anisogamy
D) Only Heterogamy
Answer: A) Isogamy, Anisogamy, Heterogamy

What type of generation alternation do algae exhibit?
A) Haplontic
B) Diplontic
C) Haplontic and Diplontic
D) None
Answer: C) Haplontic and Diplontic

Which of the following is NOT a habitat where algae can be found?
A) Aquatic environments
B) Terrestrial environments
C) On tree trunks
D) In animal bodies
Answer: D) In animal bodies

What kind of body structure do algae have?
A) Differentiated into roots, stems, and leaves
B) Thallus-like
C) Woody
D) Herbaceous
Answer: B) Thallus-like

Which component is NOT typically found in the cell wall of algae?
A) Cellulose
B) Hemicellulose
C) Chitin
D) Pectin
Answer: C) Chitin

What type of algae reproduction involves the fusion of similar gametes?
A) Isogamy
B) Anisogamy
C) Oogamy
D) Parthenogenesis
Answer: A) Isogamy

What type of reproduction involves the fusion of dissimilar gametes?
A) Isogamy
B) Anisogamy
C) Vegetative reproduction
D) Binary fission
Answer: B) Anisogamy

Which term refers to algae commonly known as ‘pond scum’?
A) Limu
B) Tsao
C) Water moss
D) Frog Spittle
Answer: D) Frog Spittle

Which of the following storage materials is NOT found in algae?
A) Starch
B) Glycogen
C) Oil
D) Protein
Answer: B) Glycogen

What is the primary pigment responsible for photosynthesis in algae?
A) Phycocyanin
B) Chlorophyll
C) Xanthophyll
D) Carotene
Answer: B) Chlorophyll

In algae, what is the term for the life cycle stage where the organism is haploid?
A) Diplontic
B) Gametophyte
C) Sporophyte
D) Embryophyte
Answer: B) Gametophyte

Which term refers to algae known as ‘Fucus’?
A) Pond Scum
B) Water moss
C) Brown algae
D) Green algae
Answer: C) Brown algae

What is the approximate number of genera of algae?
A) 300
B) 1800
C) 30,000
D) 300,000
Answer: B) 1800

Which algae reproduction method involves fragmentation of the thallus?
A) Asexual reproduction
B) Sexual reproduction
C) Vegetative reproduction
D) Parthenogenesis
Answer: C) Vegetative reproduction

In the alternation of generations, what is the diploid phase called?
A) Gametophyte
B) Sporophyte
C) Zygote
D) Thallus
Answer: B) Sporophyte

What kind of reproductive structure can be both movable and immobile in algae?
A) Gametes
B) Spores
C) Zygotes
D) Spermatozoids
Answer: B) Spores

Which of the following is NOT a form of sexual reproduction in algae?
A) Isogamy
B) Anisogamy
C) Heterogamy
D) Sporulation
Answer: D) Sporulation

What structural characteristic is generally absent in algae?
A) Differentiated tissues
B) Thallus-like body
C) Cellulose in cell walls
D) Chlorophyll pigments
Answer: A) Differentiated tissues

What is the term for the study of algae?
A) Phycology
B) Mycology
C) Bryology
D) Pteridology
Answer: A) Phycology

Which of the following best describes the cellular composition of algae?
A) All are unicellular
B) All are multicellular
C) They can be unicellular or multicellular
D) None of the above
Answer: C) They can be unicellular or multicellular

What pigment gives some algae a brown color?
A) Chlorophyll a
B) Phycocyanin
C) Fucoxanthin
D) Phycoerythrin
Answer: C) Fucoxanthin

Which reproductive method in algae involves the production of spores?
A) Sexual reproduction
B) Vegetative reproduction
C) Asexual reproduction
D) All of the above
Answer: C) Asexual reproduction

Which type of algae is commonly referred to as ‘water moss’?
A) Green algae
B) Brown algae
C) Red algae
D) Blue-green algae
Answer: A) Green algae

What type of reproductive cycle do algae exhibit when they have both haploid and diploid stages?
A) Haplontic
B) Diplontic
C) Heteromorphic alternation of generations
D) Isomorphic alternation of generations
Answer: C) Heteromorphic alternation of generations
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