Ultrastructure of Mitochondria

The structure of mitochondria Divided into following part-

  1. Mitochondrial membrane 
  2. Mitochondrial chamber
  3. Mitochondrial Cristae
  4. Elementary Body / Particle
  5. Mitochondrial DNA
  6. Mitochondrial RNA

1- Mitochondrial Membrane 

  • These are bounded by double-layered lipoprotein membranes . 
  • Each of which is 60 to 70A० Thick

These are divided into two parts.

1. Outer mitochondrial membrane-

  • It separates the mitochondria to cytoplasm.
  • It is permeable for electrolytes, water sucrose and large molecules.
  • At some places it is found attached with E.R.
  • It contain high amount of lipid (40%)
  • It contain pore (Some time -25-30A⁰)
  • In this cholesterol & Phospholipid, inositol are also present in high amounts.

2.Inner mitochondrial membrane

  • It is thick (~50-70A⁰)
  • It makes finger-like projections into the inner chamber which are called cristae. 
  • It is impermeable to ions, sucrose etc.

2- Mitochondrial Chamber

1. Outer Chamber

  • Iti is the space between outer and inner membrane.
  • It is 60-80A⁰ wide 
  • It is filled with a liquid which has low density and viscosity.
  • It is called peri mitochondrial space. 

2.Inner chamber

  • It is an inner part of inner membrane 
  • It is divided into incomplete but continuous chambers due to infolding of the membrane.
  • It is filled with a homogeneous granular mitochondrial matrix.
  • These granules are 800-500A⁰ in size 
  • It also contains 70s Ribosomes, mtDNA, inorganic salts and polymer of sugars etc
  • The inner membrane which is toward the matrix is known as M-side, while the side which is facing the outer chamber is known as C-side.
  • Enzymes of the krebs cycle are present in the matrix.

3- Mitochondrial Cristae 

  • The inner membrane of mitochondria is folded inside and form plate like structure which is called cristae.
  • It is attached to the matrix.
  • It is also called mitoplast.
  • The outer side of cristae called C-face and Inner side which toward the matrix is called M-face.
  • It is two type
  1. Tubular /Microvilli – It is abundantly present in plant mitochondria.
  2. Plate Like – It is present in Animal mitochondria, It is also present in the form of sollensac, regular plate, vesicles and tubules.

4- Elementary particle / Granule/ Oxysome – H.F. moran

  • The M-side of inner membrane contains many stalk particles like structure which is called as elementary particle, oxysome, F0 complex, ATPase complex, F1 Particle etc.
  • Mitochondria have 10000 to 100000 oxysome which are set a distance of 10nm and comprise about 15% of total inner membrane protein part.
  • The size of F1 Particle is 80 -100A⁰ or 8.5 nm diameter.
  • It is divided into following part
  • 1- Head – 75 -100A⁰ diameter
  • 2- Stalk – 30-40A⁰ diameter 40-50A⁰ long
  • 3- Base – 40X100A⁰
  • The Basal part is attached to membrane, it contain enzyme for ETC or respiratory chain while head part contain ATPase enzyme, ATP synthase or coupling factor, ATP synthase part in oxidation and phosphorylation.
  • Oxysome contain 4 enzyme complex
  1. I and II complex – Base
  2. III complex – Stalk
  3. IV complex – Head

Mitochondrial DNA /Genome

  • One or more DNA (2-6) can present in mitochondrial Matrix
  • Size- 6µ Long
  • Animal – Small – 16-19kb
  • Yeast and Plant – Large- 100-200kb
  • Human – m-DNA – 16579 bp – Introns Absent –13 protein code
  • Yeast – 78000 bp-Intron +nt
  • Smallest mt – genome /DNA- Plasmodium falciparum – 6kb – code only 3 protein
  • It is Circular, dsDNA,  and Supercoiled
  • Self Replicate
  • High G+C content
  • MW- 9-11X106
  • Origin – G2 Phase
  • It encode – rRNA and tRNA and 20 types of Proteins
  • No to attach – Histone protein
  • Its DNA pol is different to N-DNA Pol

Mitochondrial RNA

  • These are different to cytoplasmic RNA
  • In this – 23s 16s, 4s types of RNA are present
  • These are resistant to Ribo-nuclease enzyme
  • Mitochondria have 70s types of Ribosome
  • In it Protein synthesis can be inhibited by Chloramphenicol

Mitochondrial Enzyme system

1-Outer Mitochondrial Membrane

  • Monoaminase oxidase
  • NADH- Cytochrome reductase
  • Kynurenine hydroxylase
  • Fatty acid- coA-ligase

2-Outer Mitochondrial chamber

  • Adenylate kinase
  • Nucleoside diphosphate

3-Inner Mitochondrial Membrane

1- Enzyme for electron transport pathway

  • NAD (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide)
  • FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide)
  • DPN ( Diphosphopyridin nucleotide)
  • Cyt- b,c,a,a3
  • Ubiquinone (Co-enz-Q)
  • Non heme copper and iron
  • Succinic dehydrogenase

2- ATP synthetase

3- β–hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase

4-Carnitine fatty and acyl transferase

4-Enzyme of Mitochondrial Matrix

  • Malate dehydrogenase
  • Isocitrate dehydrogenase
  • Fumarase
  • Aconitase
  • α-keto acid dehydrogenase
  • β-oxidation enzyme

Functions of Mitochondria

  • The main function of mitochondria is to perform cellular respiration to produce energy. It carries out oxidation of food using oxygen and produces energy which is used to form or produce ATP (the energy currency of cells) through cellular respiration, a process in which it takes in nutrients from the cell and converts them into energy, which is used by the cell to perform various functions.
  • It also converts food or nutrients into molecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, etc.
  • It also eliminates wastes from the cells. The mitochondria in liver cells have enzymes that detoxify ammonia.
  • It causes cytoplasmic inheritance as the mitochondrial DNA passes from the egg’s cytoplasm to the zygote during the fertilization of egg and sperm.
  • It is the site where the citric acid cycle or Krebs cycle occurs.
  • It maintains calcium homeostasis or the concentration of calcium ions in the cell. For example, calcium flow in and out of mitochondria which is known as mitochondrial calcium exchange and thus it helps in metabolic regulation and apoptosis (programmed cell death) of old or damaged cells.
  • It releases proteins like cytochrome c in response to various types of cell stress such as heat, infection, calcium and nutrient deficiency.
  • It also aids in making certain parts of blood and hormones such as estrogen and testosterone.
  • It can perform thermogenesis or production of heat through proton leak.
  • It helps in the growth and multiplication of cells. For example, when an organ is under stress while performing a specific task, mitochondria can multiply to help the organ.
  • It also helps in the synthesis of the heme (iron-containing part) part of hemoglobin and myoglobin.

Ultrastructure of Mitochondria – MCQs

Mitochondrial Membranes

  1. How many membranes does a mitochondrion have?
    • A) One
    • B) Two
    • C) Three
    • D) Four
    • Answer: B
  2. The outer mitochondrial membrane is mainly responsible for:
    • A) ATP synthesis
    • B) Separating mitochondria from the cytoplasm
    • C) Housing the Krebs cycle
    • D) Forming cristae
    • Answer: B
  3. Which of the following is not a function of the outer mitochondrial membrane?
    • A) It contains porins
    • B) It is permeable to small molecules
    • C) It houses the electron transport chain
    • D) It interacts with the endoplasmic reticulum
    • Answer: C
  4. What is the approximate thickness of the outer mitochondrial membrane?
    • A) 10-20 Å
    • B) 40-50 Å
    • C) 60-70 Å
    • D) 100-120 Å
    • Answer: C
  5. The inner mitochondrial membrane is impermeable to:
    • A) Oxygen
    • B) Ions and sucrose
    • C) ATP molecules
    • D) Water
    • Answer: B
  6. What are the finger-like projections of the inner mitochondrial membrane called?
    • A) Microvilli
    • B) Cristae
    • C) Cilia
    • D) Tubules
    • Answer: B
  7. The inner mitochondrial membrane has a high concentration of:
    • A) Cholesterol
    • B) Phospholipids
    • C) Cardiolipin
    • D) Carbohydrates
    • Answer: C
  8. What is the function of cardiolipin in the inner mitochondrial membrane?
    • A) DNA replication
    • B) Electron transport chain stability
    • C) ATP synthesis
    • D) Protein transport
    • Answer: B

Mitochondrial Chambers

  1. The space between the inner and outer mitochondrial membrane is called:
    • A) Inner chamber
    • B) Perimitochondrial space
    • C) Cristae space
    • D) Cytoplasmic space
    • Answer: B
  2. The outer mitochondrial chamber contains:
  • A) Ribosomes
  • B) Electron transport chain enzymes
  • C) Low-density fluid
  • D) DNA
  • Answer: C
  1. The inner mitochondrial chamber is filled with:
  • A) Homogeneous granular mitochondrial matrix
  • B) Cytoplasmic fluid
  • C) DNA only
  • D) ATP molecules only
  • Answer: A
  1. What type of ribosomes are present inside mitochondria?
  • A) 80S
  • B) 70S
  • C) 60S
  • D) 90S
  • Answer: B
  1. The M-side of the inner mitochondrial membrane faces:
  • A) Outer chamber
  • B) Inner chamber (matrix)
  • C) Cytoplasm
  • D) Nucleus
  • Answer: B
  1. What cycle takes place in the mitochondrial matrix?
  • A) Glycolysis
  • B) Krebs cycle
  • C) Photosynthesis
  • D) Fermentation
  • Answer: B

Mitochondrial Cristae

  1. What is the function of cristae in mitochondria?
  • A) DNA replication
  • B) Increasing surface area for ATP synthesis
  • C) Protein synthesis
  • D) Cell signaling
  • Answer: B
  1. Which type of cristae is mainly found in plant mitochondria?
  • A) Plate-like
  • B) Tubular
  • C) Vesicular
  • D) Solenoid
  • Answer: B
  1. The cristae membrane contains proteins for:
  • A) DNA synthesis
  • B) ATP synthesis
  • C) Lipid storage
  • D) Cell division
  • Answer: B
  1. In animal cells, cristae are mainly:
  • A) Tubular
  • B) Plate-like
  • C) Vesicular
  • D) Filamentous
  • Answer: B

Elementary Particles / Oxysomes

  1. What is another name for elementary particles in mitochondria?
  • A) Oxysomes
  • B) Ribosomes
  • C) Lysosomes
  • D) Plastids
  • Answer: A
  1. The enzyme ATP synthase is mainly found in:
  • A) Outer mitochondrial membrane
  • B) Inner mitochondrial membrane (M-side)
  • C) Ribosomes
  • D) Cytoplasm
  • Answer: B
  1. Which scientist discovered oxysomes?
  • A) Altman
  • B) Palade
  • C) Moran
  • D) Benda
  • Answer: C
  1. Which part of the oxysome contains ATP synthase?
  • A) Head
  • B) Stalk
  • C) Base
  • D) Matrix
  • Answer: A
  1. How many oxysomes are found in a mitochondrion?
  • A) 1000-5000
  • B) 10,000-100,000
  • C) 1 million
  • D) 500-1000
  • Answer: B
  1. The stalk of the oxysome contains enzymes from which complex?
  • A) Complex I
  • B) Complex II
  • C) Complex III
  • D) Complex IV
  • Answer: C
  1. The base of the oxysome contains enzymes responsible for:
  • A) DNA synthesis
  • B) Electron Transport Chain
  • C) Glycolysis
  • D) Photosynthesis
  • Answer: B

Mitochondrial DNA & RNA

  1. The mitochondrial genome is:
  • A) Linear
  • B) Circular
  • C) Double-stranded
  • D) Both B and C
  • Answer: D
  1. Which type of RNA is present in mitochondria?
  • A) mRNA
  • B) tRNA
  • C) rRNA
  • D) All of the above
  • Answer: D
  1. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from:
  • A) Father
  • B) Mother
  • C) Both parents
  • D) Siblings
  • Answer: B
  1. The function of mitochondrial RNA (mtRNA) is to:
  • A) Code for mitochondrial proteins
  • B) Store genetic information
  • C) Transport oxygen
  • D) Maintain cell structure
  • Answer: A
  1. Mitochondrial DNA encodes how many proteins?
  • A) 5
  • B) 10
  • C) 13
  • D) 20
  • Answer: C

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) – MCQs

  1. How many DNA molecules can be present in the mitochondrial matrix?
    • A) 1
    • B) 2-6
    • C) 10-20
    • D) 50+
    • Answer: B
  2. What is the size of human mitochondrial DNA?
    • A) 78000 bp
    • B) 16579 bp
    • C) 100000 bp
    • D) 25000 bp
    • Answer: B
  3. The smallest mitochondrial genome is found in:
    • A) Yeast
    • B) Humans
    • C) Plasmodium falciparum
    • D) Plants
    • Answer: C
  4. How many proteins are encoded by human mitochondrial DNA?
    • A) 5
    • B) 10
    • C) 13
    • D) 20
    • Answer: C
  5. Mitochondrial DNA is:
    • A) Linear
    • B) Circular
    • C) Single-stranded
    • D) Attached to histone proteins
    • Answer: B
  6. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited from:
    • A) Father
    • B) Mother
    • C) Both parents
    • D) Siblings
    • Answer: B
  7. Which phase of the cell cycle is associated with mitochondrial DNA replication?
    • A) G1
    • B) S
    • C) G2
    • D) M
    • Answer: C
  8. Mitochondrial DNA lacks:
    • A) Exons
    • B) Introns
    • C) Protein-coding genes
    • D) Ribosomal genes
    • Answer: B
  9. Which enzyme is responsible for mitochondrial DNA replication?
    • A) DNA Polymerase I
    • B) DNA Polymerase II
    • C) DNA Polymerase γ (gamma)
    • D) DNA Polymerase β (beta)
    • Answer: C
  10. Mitochondrial DNA has a high content of which nucleotide bases?
  • A) A+T
  • B) G+C
  • C) Only A
  • D) Only T
  • Answer: B

Mitochondrial RNA – MCQs

  1. Mitochondrial RNA differs from:
  • A) Nuclear DNA
  • B) Cytoplasmic RNA
  • C) Nuclear RNA
  • D) None of the above
  • Answer: B
  1. Which of the following rRNA types are present in mitochondria?
  • A) 23S, 16S, 4S
  • B) 18S, 5S
  • C) 28S, 5.8S
  • D) 40S, 60S
  • Answer: A
  1. Mitochondrial ribosomes are of which type?
  • A) 80S
  • B) 70S
  • C) 50S
  • D) 30S
  • Answer: B
  1. Mitochondrial protein synthesis is inhibited by:
  • A) Penicillin
  • B) Chloramphenicol
  • C) Tetracycline
  • D) Erythromycin
  • Answer: B
  1. Mitochondrial ribosomes are more similar to:
  • A) Eukaryotic ribosomes
  • B) Prokaryotic ribosomes
  • C) Cytoplasmic ribosomes
  • D) None of the above
  • Answer: B

Mitochondrial Enzymes – MCQs

  1. Which enzyme is present in the outer mitochondrial membrane?
  • A) Succinic dehydrogenase
  • B) Monoamine oxidase
  • C) NADH reductase
  • D) Cytochrome c oxidase
  • Answer: B
  1. The outer mitochondrial chamber contains which enzyme?
  • A) Adenylate kinase
  • B) Cytochrome c
  • C) ATP synthase
  • D) NADH dehydrogenase
  • Answer: A
  1. Enzymes for the electron transport chain are located in:
  • A) Outer membrane
  • B) Inner membrane
  • C) Matrix
  • D) Cytoplasm
  • Answer: B
  1. Which enzyme complex contains cytochrome b and cytochrome c?
  • A) Complex I
  • B) Complex II
  • C) Complex III
  • D) Complex IV
  • Answer: C
  1. ATP synthase is located in:
  • A) Inner membrane
  • B) Outer membrane
  • C) Matrix
  • D) Intermembrane space
  • Answer: A

Mitochondrial Functions – MCQs

  1. What is the primary function of mitochondria?
  • A) Lipid storage
  • B) Protein synthesis
  • C) ATP production
  • D) Detoxification
  • Answer: C
  1. The mitochondria in liver cells help detoxify:
  • A) Alcohol
  • B) Ammonia
  • C) Carbon dioxide
  • D) Lead
  • Answer: B
  1. The Krebs cycle occurs in:
  • A) Cytoplasm
  • B) Inner membrane
  • C) Mitochondrial matrix
  • D) Outer membrane
  • Answer: C
  1. Mitochondria play a role in calcium homeostasis by:
  • A) Producing calcium ions
  • B) Regulating calcium exchange
  • C) Destroying calcium ions
  • D) None of the above
  • Answer: B
  1. Which protein is released by mitochondria to trigger apoptosis?
  • A) Cytochrome c
  • B) ATPase
  • C) Actin
  • D) Myosin
  • Answer: A
  1. Which hormone synthesis is aided by mitochondria?
  • A) Insulin
  • B) Estrogen and testosterone
  • C) Adrenaline
  • D) Thyroxine
  • Answer: B
  1. Mitochondria assist in the production of:
  • A) Hemoglobin
  • B) Albumin
  • C) Fibrinogen
  • D) DNA polymerase
  • Answer: A
  1. Which process in mitochondria produces heat?
  • A) Krebs cycle
  • B) Thermogenesis
  • C) Beta-oxidation
  • D) Glycolysis
  • Answer: B
  1. The site of beta-oxidation of fatty acids is:
  • A) Cytoplasm
  • B) Endoplasmic reticulum
  • C) Mitochondria
  • D) Lysosomes
  • Answer: C
  1. Mitochondria multiply when:
  • A) The cell divides
  • B) The organ is under stress
  • C) DNA is damaged
  • D) The nucleus signals them
  • Answer: B

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